Classic ICJUK Lions Crest & Wings

The “Lions Crest & Wings” graphic is a timeless representation of strength, power, and the rock and roll spirit. Created back in 2010, this iconic design has been worn on stage by rock legend Joe Elliott of Def Leppard, as well as other celebrities and rockstars such as Jimmy Page, Phil Soussan, Carmine Rojas, Tony Franklin aka The Fretless Monster, and many others. It has also been featured in various press articles and media around the world.
The graphic features a Union Jack in the middle, surrounded by two regal lions on either side and large wings that represent the freedom that music brings. The classy Grey color of the design adds a rock and roll edge. Inside some filigree relief pattern on the top and bottom of the design, you’ll find a few skulls that symbolize protectors. The combination of these elements creates a unique and dynamic visual that is sure to turn heads and inspire awe.
Whether you wear it on a t-shirt, hoodie, or any other ICJUK product, the “Lions Crest & Wings” graphic is sure to make a bold statement and capture the attention of all who see it. With a rich history and deep meaning, this design is more than just a fashion statement – it’s a symbol of courage, freedom, and following your dreams.